My car? You don't wanna know...

Some riders ask what car I use for driving purpose things... what ever they are but here it is:

Those Uniroyal tyres have to last another 3 years. Great do to 7 years!

Yes, it's a VW Polo GT Coupe '91 parked in Joaquim Agostinho Street, São João da Caparica, Margem Sul. A fine car in a proper street. It handles 2 riders and simultaneusly 2 bikes inside!
It also "drinks" 10L/100km, which is a lot.

In the future I show you my bike inside the VW. A germain car with a germain bike! ^^"

P.S. - By the way, I don't possess the car. It's my mother's car. Cars in Portugal are luxury objects that show how well are we in life. As you all can see, a VW ain't that much.

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